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AlSumadi IMG Guide To UK Training

Our mission:

Improving IMG Outcomes in the UK

Providing International Doctors with the tools they need for real success in the UK.

Worrying statistics

Disproportionally low number of international medical graduates in UK in training programmes.

rows of black chairs in a large room
rows of black chairs in a large room


only in training programmes



What Problems The Guide Solves For IMGs?

Uncertainty and lack of understanding on methodology when applying for first NHS Job.

Suboptimal understanding of functional components of a strong UK CV.

Lack of awareness of UK medical interview methods and technique

Lack of correct segmentation of job goals to strengthen CV.

No understanding of speciality entry requirements

Lack of awareness of UK training pathway and outcomes

Dr Mo Sobhy Collab:

Our collaboration with Dr Mo Sobhy stems from a mutual high degree of respect to the doctors choosing to attend our courses. This respect is gained from the positive results our candidates achieve and the value they receive when choosing to attend our courses.Because we believe in delivering the highest achievable standard to aid international doctors, we have collaborated to deliver this to the largest number of doctors as able. We understand the specific guidance our doctors require to succeed. and to focus on delivering this Dr Mo Sobhy academy candidates receive a discounted registration fee. They also are able to attend face-to-face at the academy if desired.

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Clarice Turner

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Brian Moten

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Joyce Gould

Testimonies From Attendees